About Us

Our Philosophy

Our program is based on the philosophy that children learn best through active participation.  Our “learn through play” curriculum is designed to meet the needs, interest and ability levels of individual children.  At the same time, we are creating a sense of community where children feel free to experiment, taste, hear, discover and explore in an environment that is interesting and safe.  We strive to create a developmentally appropriate program where children feel secure, respected and valued.

Our teachers develop our curriculum to offer children predictable structure as well as flexibility in cultivating their own emerging ideas and interests.  We offer children opportunities to work in large and small groups as well as individually with the guidance and support of caring knowledgeable teachers.

All children are unique and develop at their own pace.  We as early childhood professionals need to provide them with a safe, warm and comfortable environment to allow them to develop both individually and as a group.  In our developmentally appropriate program, teachers extend children’s play and interest to increase the educational value of the natural experience.  Children are more motivated to learn and appear to have a more positive attitude toward learning (and later in school/life) when they are provided with an environment that is rich in child initiated, child centered activities.

Our History

On September 3rd, 1997, Julie-ann Brigante opened the door to Early Year’s Child Development Center. When we initially opened there was only three classrooms, Infant, Toddler and Preschool being offered. Included in the Teaching Team that began the program was Patricia, Julie’s mother. Patricia served as the programs Assistant Director and Infant teacher for 17 years. The original sight was purchased as an operating childcare center named Gadue’s Day Care. The building was old, circa 1950’s and had many additions. But, the location on Main St. in Colchester connected many to area businesses, including the previous IBM, now Global Foundaries.

Within the first 5 years it was clear that this old building was not going to make it. The roof often leaked. Julie would climb up on top of it to shovel snow off every time it snowed!  The snow pile became so big, she didn’t have to use a ladder, she simply climbed up the snowbank to get on the roof! When we had big rain the kitchen area in the back would flood and Julie would have to shovel several inches of water out! It became clear in the late winter of 2001 that we were going to need a new building.  So, in March of 2002, we began construction of a new bigger and better designed building for the program. The new building was built merely ten feet away from the original building. After construction was complete in late May 2002, we spent a week moving into what is now our current building and the old building was demolished and taken away. During the week before the building was removed families were invited in to say good-bye. Children painted on the walls, floors and windows scenes of themselves playing and we wrote words of good-bye. We opened back up to our families the first week in June 2002 in our new digs.

In the spring 2003 we purchased the house next door and expanded our program. We affectionately call it our little white house. That building was converted into our afterschool and half-day pre-k classroom, with the upstairs reserved as an apartment for Julie’s mom Pat. With some space opened in our main building we began a new classroom, Early Preschool serving our 2-3 year old children.

In the summer 2007 our afterschool classroom came to an end after the town of Colchester began offering full-day Kindergarten. With the change, our Early Preschool Classroom moved into the little white house and our Pre-kindergarten class moved back into the main building adjacent to our Preschool classroom.

In 2010 Julie left her role as a full-time teacher in classroom to take a step back to focus more on her role as director. Julie still holds her passion for teaching close to her heart and continues to sub in classrooms when needed or when she feels the need to burst into song or dance!

In May 2014 our longtime Assistant Director Patricia retired from her Assistant Director Teaching position. She continues to be a steady figure in our program, she helps with tuition and other administrative tasks.

2015 we began our partnership with Jeanine Fitzgerald and the Honoring Children Movement. Each year we complete professional development with Jeanine. We have incorporated her DISC trainings on temperament throughout our program. With Child Honoring practices we will continue to uphold a high-quality early education center for the children and families we serve and our community. We are looking to become one of the first programs in the state of Vermont to be officially certified as Child Honoring.